“I rarely apply the brake.”

-Bob Vink-

Entrepreneur in heart and soul. Soon outgrew the Beemster polder and worked all over the world. Fluent in five languages. He ran his own lawfirm since 1987. Still does business in Buenos Aires and Mallorca. Works at De Koning Vergouwen Advocaten since 2018.

Currently involved in civil law, including law of obligations and business law. Supervises start-ups with all the (legal) considerations of entrepreneurship. Approachable, knowledgeable and involved. Passion for litigation. Does not shy away either from complex or international cases. Pulling out all the stops on the strategy. Enthusiastic and interested. Was member of the Supervisory Council of the Bar Association (Amsterdam) for a number of years. Shared his knowledge with junior lawyers during their professional education.

Very loyal. Loves South-America above anything else. Married to an Argentinian lady he met in a Mexican restaurant in the Warmoesstraat in Amsterdam. Defeats their five sons in table tennis mercilessly. Never says no to a good Argentinian asado.